Librarian teacher discusses children's books. Students are encouraged to contribute their own book review or short summary of fiction or nonfiction books. This blog is of interest to 3rd through 6th graders.

Project Mulberry

Did you ever wonder how silkworms made silk? And how do we get the silk? Julia and Patrick (her next door neighbor) are friends and joined the Wiggle Club. Its real name is Watch-Grow-Give-Live! (WGGL) and now they are partnering up on a project. The three best projects will be chosen to go to the state fair.

In Project Mulberry, the readers follow Julia and Patrick's project from beginning to end. I enjoyed learning some things while reading this book about sericulture and sustainable farming and Korean embroidery. And it was very interesting observing the relationship between the two very different personalities and how they worked together to accomplish something. But the best part wasn't just the great story, it was the conversations the author, Linda Sue Park had with the main character between the chapters.

I highly recommend this book and encourage you to read it, too. It may inspire you to do your own Animal Husbandry or Domestic Arts project!

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