Librarian teacher discusses children's books. Students are encouraged to contribute their own book review or short summary of fiction or nonfiction books. This blog is of interest to 3rd through 6th graders.

The Sloppy Copy Slipup by DyAnne DiSalvo

What if you didn't have your "sloppy copy" ready to hand in?. Brian has many narrow escapes to handing one in. Luckily Brian is able to "tell" his story to his teacher and the class because he doesn't have his sloppy copy written out. His reason for not having it done is also his "story". Brian is a great storyteller and he comes up with quite the explanation as to why he doesn't have his work done. Journal writers, future authors, middle children and musicians will all relate to Brian. This book has been in our library for awhile, maybe you have already read it. What did you think of this book?