Librarian teacher discusses children's books. Students are encouraged to contribute their own book review or short summary of fiction or nonfiction books. This blog is of interest to 3rd through 6th graders.

NO Talking! by Andrew Clements

Do you think your class could be quiet for a whole day? Could you be quiet for the whole day? I liked this book, not only because the class in the book is trying not to talk, but because one of the fifth graders, Dave, reads a book about Gandhi for his report on India. (Hooray!- Fifth graders at SJV learn about Gandhi too) The idea of not talking, something Gandhi did for his own spiritual development interested Dave. In a verbal fight with a classmate, Dave challenges her to keep quiet. Suddenly, a contest develops and spreads to all the fifth graders, where the contestants are the boys against the girls. I enjoyed the clever three-word exceptions that were made when teachers needed to hear from their students. Yes, this is another great Andrew Clements novel and a Maud Hart Lovelace Nominee for 2010-11.