Librarian teacher discusses children's books. Students are encouraged to contribute their own book review or short summary of fiction or nonfiction books. This blog is of interest to 3rd through 6th graders.

Elephant Run

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to live on a teak plantation in Burma and harvest teak while sitting on an elephant with your feet tucked under his ears? In this book, you may get a chance to find out. This story takes place during World War II and Nick's mother sends the 14 year-old to live with his father in Burma to get away from the bombing in London. Nick gets to know some amazing people including a very special monk who happens to be in the right place at the right time and a Japanese soldier who facilitates Nick's learning the language and culture of Japan. Roland Smith, the author of this historical fiction has written quite the adventure and you will find Nick doing some things that make you very nervous for his safety.

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