Librarian teacher discusses children's books. Students are encouraged to contribute their own book review or short summary of fiction or nonfiction books. This blog is of interest to 3rd through 6th graders.

The Pirates of Crocodile Swamp

How do you know if a crocodile has just eaten? Which snakes are poisonous? Sandy and Jack are learning how to survive in the swamps of this remote wilderness of the Florida keyes. The brothers' home-life is tragic and they escape but they encounter various creatures and people that make their survival scary and possible. Jim Arnosky's awesome black pen drawings are sprinkled throughout this short fast paced novel.

Owly: Flying Lessons

I picked up this third book of Andy Runton's Owly series because it looked cute and simple. It wasn't until I got home that I realized this graphic novel didn't have any words. It was a good exersize for me to "read" the pictures very carefully. The story is very cute but also profound. Owly and his friend, Worm want to be friends with another creature of the forest. Not a likely candidate for friendship, but a turn of events results in a happily ever after. If you haven't read a graphic novel yet, pick one up and tell us about it.

Bobby Vs. Girls (Accidentally)

What grade do a boy and a girl who have been friends since they were born, stop being best friends? Bobby and Holly were born on the same day and have been friends their whole lives. But now they are in fourth grade and things are different, now Holly is a girl! I know she always was but it didn't matter before, well, Bobby never noticed before. Lisa Yee writes a good novel replicating the classroom and lives of a fourth grader, but I think third and fifth graders will enjoy the book, too. Let me know what you think.

The Sloppy Copy Slipup by DyAnne DiSalvo

What if you didn't have your "sloppy copy" ready to hand in?. Brian has many narrow escapes to handing one in. Luckily Brian is able to "tell" his story to his teacher and the class because he doesn't have his sloppy copy written out. His reason for not having it done is also his "story". Brian is a great storyteller and he comes up with quite the explanation as to why he doesn't have his work done. Journal writers, future authors, middle children and musicians will all relate to Brian. This book has been in our library for awhile, maybe you have already read it. What did you think of this book?

Eleven by Patricia Reiley Giff

Why is this book titled eleven? It didn't take long to read this gem of a book. I really enjoyed the relationships the protagonist had with the elders in his life. His grandfather and the other neighbors in his building truly care about each other. This story will get you thinking about who is family and why. I also found myself trying to figure out Mack's relationship to Sam. Caroline, Sam's new classmate and friend, doesn't care that Sam can't read but she is the motivating force behind his commitment to learn. Do we have people in our lives who motivate us to do unpleasant or difficult tasks? I was glad when Sam finally showed others his talent because it is so important for someone who struggles with one aspect of their lives to be able to shine in another way. I recommend this Maud Hart Lovelace Nominee even if you aren't eleven.