Librarian teacher discusses children's books. Students are encouraged to contribute their own book review or short summary of fiction or nonfiction books. This blog is of interest to 3rd through 6th graders.

The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had

I hope Kristin Levine keeps writing more books! The Best Bad Luck is her first novel and the best one I've read this summer. I was so captured by this story that I almost read it all in one sitting. I didn't even think about perspective or first or third person or settings, and characters. I just enjoyed the book. Twelve year old "Dit" tells the story that takes place in 1917 in Alabama. It follows the developing of his friendship with Emma, the daughter of the Negro family from Boston that moves in across the street. While Dit's family has no problem with the fact that the family is black, many in Moundville outwardly do. Do Dit's friends tease him about about Emma because she's a girl or because she is a Negro? This book will give you a closer look at what life was like in the early 1900s in the south. What do you think kids did during their summer vacation back in 1917? Do you think your doctor would teach you how to drive a car (at age 12) so you can help him with picking up supplies? How would you react if you witnessed discrimination? This book tackles more than you can shake a stick at. Be prepared for the killing of animals, fighting, a murder and an influenza outbreak too. Pick up this book at your public library and let me know what you think.