Librarian teacher discusses children's books. Students are encouraged to contribute their own book review or short summary of fiction or nonfiction books. This blog is of interest to 3rd through 6th graders.

Word After Word After Word

The award winning author of Sarah, Plain and Tall, Patricia MacLachlan writes this short and clever "How To" book that reads as a novel. Though maybe I shouldn't have said that. Don't let that scare you away. I was intrigued with the lives of the five classmates who spend their time after school under the lilac tree. These neighbors are all in the same class and for six weeks at various times, they have a guest author, a very famous author visiting their class and she teaches them how to write poetry. Ms. Mirabel is magical, affirming and a riddle and she lures the children into the writing world, word after word after word.  Perhaps you have a poem you'd like to write down now.